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rr_dash's Tomb1Main Patch - Viele Verbesserungen für die PC-Version von TR I
04.11.2021 08:44
#1 rr_dash's Tomb1Main Patch - Viele Verbesserungen für die PC-Version von TR I
Dieses Projekt ist Arsunt's TR II Main Patch sehr ähnlich. Das Ziel ist es, TR I auf modernen PCs lauffähig zu machen, viele Dinge zu restaurieren, welche in der PS1-Version vorhanden sind, aber nicht in der PC-Version (wie z.B. der Reflektionseffekt, wenn Lara vergoldet wird) und zusätzliche Extras einzubauen.
- added proper UI scaling
- added enemy health bar
- added more control over when to show health bar and air bar
- added ability to customize of health bar and air bar
- added ability to set user-defined FOV
- added selecting weapons / using items with numeric keys
- added ability to look around while running
- added TR3-like sidesteps
- added shotgun flash sprites
- added a fly cheat
- added a level skip cheat
- added a door open cheat (while in fly mode)
- added ability to disable all medpacks
- added ability to disable Magnums
- added ability to disable UZIs
- added ability to disable shotgun
- added ability to disable main menu demos
- added ability to disable FMVs
- added ability to disable cutscenes
- added ability to disable healing between levels
- added braid (currently only works in Lost Valley)
- added support for more than 3 pickup sprites
- added a choice whether to play NG or NG+
- added Japanese mode (guns deal twice the damage); available for both NG and NG+
- added external game flow (no longer 2 different .exes for TR1 and TR1IB) For TRLE builders:
- the levels can be reordered
- the levels can be renamed
- all the strings can be translated, including keys and items
- you no longer are constrained to 4 or 21 levels only
- you can offer a custom Gym level
- added automatic calculation of secret numbers
- fixed skipping FMVs triggering inventory
- fixed skipping credits working too fast
- fixed setting user keys being very difficult
- fixed keys and items not working when drawing guns immediately after using them
- fixed freeze when holding action key during end of level
- fixed reading user settings not restoring the volume
- fixed Tomb of Tihocan playing secret sound
- fixed The Great Pyramid secret
- fixed running out of ammo forcing Lara to equip pistols even if she doesn't carry them
- fixed a crash when Lara is on fire and goes too far away from where she caught fire
- fixed settings not being saved when exiting the game with Alt+F4
- fixed settings not persisting chosen layout (default vs. user keys)
- fixed the sound of collecting a secret killing music
Im Verlorenen Tal ist es sogar möglich, Lara einen funktionierenden Zopf zu verpassen.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
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