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Tomb Raider Merchandise (Achtung: Große Bilder)
#1 Euer Tomb Raider Merch (Achtung: Große Bilder)
Hier könnt ihr Fotos von euren TR Sammelsachen posten.
Ich hab mir am Freitag im Media Markt die Shadow of the Tomb Raider Vorbestellerbox gekauft, bestehend aus einer Blechhülle, einem Pappschuber und drei Sammelkarten zu TR2013, Rise und Shadow.
Natürlich werde ich zum Releasedatum nicht mit dieser Box und dem Kassenzettel in den Media Markt gehen, um mir das Spiel zu kaufen, denn PC-Spieler bekommen ja keine physischen Extraeditionen.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#2 Wo finde ich cooles Tomb Raider Merch?
Ein Sammelthread für Links zu coolem TR Merch.
Ich hab auf Amazon zwei TR Malbücher gefunden. Eins zu den TR Comics und eins zu dem TR Reboot Film von 2018.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#3 RE: Euer Tomb Raider Merch (Achtung: Große Bilder)
Eine originalverpackte Lara-Maus:
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#4 RE: Wo finde ich cooles Tomb Raider Merch?
Hier gibt es noch 5 originalverpackter Classic Lara-Mäuse: Werbung: Klick!
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#6 RE: Euer Tomb Raider Merch (Achtung: Große Bilder)
Auf eBay wird die für 160€ aufwärts verkauft. Du kannst da ja mal nach "Play Arts Kai Lara Croft" suchen und dir die Preise angucken.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#8 RE: Euer Tomb Raider Merch (Achtung: Große Bilder)
Hätte ich auch nicht gedacht. Ich hatte meine 2014 auf der Gamescom für wesentlich weniger gekauft.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#9 Tomb Raider Merchandise (Achtung: Große Bilder)
Es gibt eine Umfrage dazu, was für Tomb Raider Merch wir gerne von der Firma Idea Planet haben möchten:
Die Firma Numbskull bringt eine Classic Lara Low Poly Quietscheente raus!
Vorbestellen kann man die bei Just Geek für 24,99€:
Ich kann es ja kaum glauben, dass es endlich mal wieder TR-Merchandise gibt, was keine hässliche und/oder überteuerte Statue ist. Das war bestimmt ein Versehen, dass das freigegeben wurde! :D
Ich hab mal alle Merchandise-Threads zusammengefügt, da in den anderen beiden bisher recht wenig geschrieben wurde.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
Ich habe leider keine Badewanne.
#11 RE: Tomb Raider Merchandise (Achtung: Große Bilder)
Deshalb bringt die Entenlara ja auch ihre eigene Badewanne mit.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#12 RE: Tomb Raider Merchandise (Achtung: Große Bilder)
Die neue Lara Statue gibts auch bei einem deutschen Händler, bei dem man keine Versandkosten zahlen muss (und Zoll entfällt auch):
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
5€ günstiger aber mit Versandkosten
#14 RE: Tomb Raider Merchandise (Achtung: Große Bilder)
Die Versandkosten auf der 2. Seite sind 4,90€, 10 Cent gespart, Wuhu!
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#16 RE: Tomb Raider Merchandise (Achtung: Große Bilder)
Ah, hast recht! Ich hab nicht genau auf den Preis der Statue geachtet und dachte, du meinst, die Statue wäre 5 € günstiger, aber dafür kommen Versandkosten drauf.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
Okay, diese Werbung zu den Atlas-Figuren kannte ich noch nicht, ich weiß ist alt, poste es aber trotzdem.
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