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Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!
#226 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

#229 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

Vielen lieben Dank, @Sander Cohen, @vantastic und @Natla!
Zitat von vantastic im Beitrag #227
:Diemusst du aber mit dem Forum teilen, denn dieses ist heute 5 Jahre jung!
Das macht doch überhaupt nix. Dann kann ich mir wenigstens gut merken, wann das Forum gegründet wurde.

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee

#231 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

Dankeschön, Joni!
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee

#233 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

Nachträglich alles gute zum Geburtstag, Alf!
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee

#235 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

#236 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Vandit!
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee

Wurde Vandit zwischenzeitlich von einem Vampir gebissen und wir feiern den Jahrestag seiner Unsterblichkeit? Ich könnte nämlich schwören, dass er vor ein paar Jahren noch eher in Richtung Jahresmitte Geburtstag hatte.
Na, egal. Wie dem auch sei: Fröhliches Älterwerden!

Das Forum hat mich viel viel VIEL älter gemacht:
Ich teste ja ab und an Plugins und andere Dinge im Forum und vielleicht hat das meinen B-Day zurückgesetzt auf das erstmögliche Datum. Wie Natla bereits richtig erkannt hat, habe ich im Mai Geburtstag, daher falscher Alarm. ^^
Trotzdem danke, wobei bringt das nicht Unglück vorab zu gratulieren?
#239 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

Zitat von Natla im Beitrag #237
Wurde Vandit zwischenzeitlich von einem Vampir gebissen und wir feiern den Jahrestag seiner Unsterblichkeit? Ich könnte nämlich schwören, dass er vor ein paar Jahren noch eher in Richtung Jahresmitte Geburtstag hatte.
Und ich dachte schon, er hätte aus Datenschutzgründen seinen Geburtstag auf den 1.1. geändert. Hab dann einfach der Höflichkeit halber gratuliert.

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#241 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Sander!

Happy Birthday
#244 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag, @Sander Cohen!
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#245 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

#246 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

#249 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

#250 RE: Geburtstags-Thread, alles Gute!

Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Tumbi!
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
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