Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

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15.07.2018 22:49 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 16.07.2018 00:59)
#1 Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Für TR-Parodien und ähnliches.

Hier ein Video, in dem Keeley Hawes in einer BBC Talkshow sitzt und der Host eine Compilation mit allen Lara-Sounds, die Keeley jemals gemacht hat, vorspielt.

Das hab ich vor einigen Wochen gemacht:

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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17.07.2018 15:35
#2 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Gerade auf Facebook gesehen. "Der Tomb Raider ist zurück" klingt ganz schön doof.

Quelle: https://www.facebook.com/SquareEnixDE/vi...00676913276172/

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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19.07.2018 01:59
avatar  vantastic ( gelöscht )
#3 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
vantastic ( gelöscht )

Schranktür mit Eigenleben in Legend (ab 2:56):


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23.07.2018 16:06
#4 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Der Anfang von Rise mit der TR II Lara und passenden TR II Sounds (und ohne Gelaber von Lara und Jonah).

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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24.07.2018 03:21 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 26.07.2018 20:12)
#5 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Die erste Szene der Ugly Americans Folge "Mummy Dearest" ist meiner Meinung nach eine ziemlich gute und lustige TR-Parodie.

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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27.07.2018 15:24 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 27.07.2018 15:29)
avatar  vantastic ( gelöscht )
#6 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
vantastic ( gelöscht )

Jö die Film-Lara hat Uncharted 4 entdeckt!

Dieser Comic passt zu Daniel Bission:


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27.07.2018 15:44
#7 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

In der Tat sehr passend! Und die Film-Lara guckt, als hätte sie noch nie zuvor ein Videospiel gesehen.

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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09.08.2018 20:46
#8 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Alles, was an dem Reboot-TR-Film falsch ist:

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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16.08.2018 23:21 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.08.2018 13:43)
#9 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Tomb Raider Facts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL...7MkgY39zKjqXS_i

Wenn Shadow of the Tomb Raider ein 50er Jahre Film oder Strange Brigade wäre:

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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17.08.2018 05:09 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.08.2018 05:10)
avatar  vantastic ( gelöscht )
#10 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
vantastic ( gelöscht )

Ändere das mal in wenn Shadow Strange Brigade wäre.

Der Sprecher kackt ein wenig ab gegen sein Vorbild. Aber ansonsten finde ich das gar nicht so witzig sondern sehr cool ...


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17.08.2018 13:43
#11 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Ja, das war auch mein erster Gedanke. Und ja, der Sprecher ist nicht ganz so cool wie der von Strange Brigade, aber insgesamt ist es schon sehr cool geworden.

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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19.08.2018 15:34
avatar  vantastic ( gelöscht )
#12 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
vantastic ( gelöscht )

Hmm, Lara ist zwar auch die Queen aber das würde sie sich nicht trauen, obwohl das Cover erinnert mit farblich und mit dem Ast an das Shadow Cover!


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19.08.2018 15:44
#13 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Das würde Square Enix nicht zulassen. Aber vielleicht wird es das Outfit ja in einem der DLCs geben.

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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16.09.2018 23:29
#14 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Das wäre doch mal eine viel interessantere Story für Eyeshadow geworden.

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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17.09.2018 14:05
avatar  vantastic ( gelöscht )
#15 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
vantastic ( gelöscht )



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17.09.2018 14:39
#16 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Wer braucht schon eine vernünftige Kollisionsabfrage?

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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19.09.2018 15:43
avatar  vantastic ( gelöscht )
#17 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
vantastic ( gelöscht )

Hey da wurde die Shadow-Lara vergessen!


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19.09.2018 15:45
#18 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Wäre eigentlich cool, wenn Lara in Eyeshadow gegen Aliens mit Wärmesicht kämpfen würde.

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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03.10.2018 17:05 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 03.10.2018 17:05)
#19 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Ein sehr lustiges Review zu Chronicles, AoD und der N-Gage Version von TR I.

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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09.10.2018 19:27
avatar  vantastic ( gelöscht )
#20 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
vantastic ( gelöscht )

Ich fürchte ich kotze gleich:

Schließlich befinden sich die beiden Freunde auf einem Schiff, was sie aus der Antarktis bringt. Lara und Jonah beschließen, sich nie wieder zu trennen und schauen am Horizont ihren kommenden Abenteuern entgegen.

Danke http://blog.tombraidergirl.de/post/17784...-raider-teil-11


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10.10.2018 09:28
#21 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos


Na ja, was erwartest Du von einer Comicreihe, die sich "Inferno" nennt.


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15.11.2018 13:37
avatar  vantastic ( gelöscht )
#22 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
vantastic ( gelöscht )

Eben bei trf gesehen


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05.12.2018 05:48
avatar  vantastic ( gelöscht )
#23 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
vantastic ( gelöscht )


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07.12.2018 18:29
#24 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos

Aus sicheren Quellen weiß ich, dass die drei zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme nicht mehr ganz nüchtern waren.

Und das Video ist im Frühjahr bei dem Dinner zu Nathan McCree's Tomb Raider Suite aufgenommen worden.

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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09.12.2018 22:34
avatar  vantastic ( gelöscht )
#25 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
vantastic ( gelöscht )

Das Bild im Hintergrund?! War der Drucker hinüber oder was?


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