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Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
#28 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
Diese TR I Mods werden immer bekloppter.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#31 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
So sähe sicherlich das Menü eines TRU-Nachfolgers aus, da die LAU-Lara ja am Ende dieses Spiels keinen Grund mehr hatte, weiterhin nach Schätzen zu suchen.
AoD: Janice Edition. Wäre noch etwas lustiger, wenn Lara auch durch Janice ersetzt worden wäre.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#33 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
Eine der besten TR-Parodien direkt am Anfang:
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#34 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
Eigentlich wollte ich ja nur ein Video von meiner persönlichen Bestzeit im TR2-Hindernisparcours online stellen. Aber irgendwie fand ich das langweilig (zumal es etliche Videos von anderen Spielern gibt, die noch schneller durchkommen). Also habe ich beschlossen, dass "Lara" eigentlich Winston in Verkleidung ist, und... joa. Hier ist es!
#36 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
Auf irgendeiner alten Featplatte habe ich auch noch meinen besten Lauf gespeichert.
Die Zeit müsste im gleichen Bereich liegen.
Wesentlich schneller kann man wohl die Strecke nicht schaffen.
Bei den alten Spielen habe ich zum Privatvergnügen noch richtig viele Screenshots und Videos erstellt, was schnell die Grenze meiner damaligen Speicherkapazität erreichte, als man da noch in anderen Dimensionen rechnete.
#37 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
Lara mit riesigem Kopf, eine Winz-Lara und eine Riesen-Lara (mit kleinem Kopf)!
Eigentlich schade, dass die Classics keine Big Head Mode Cheats haben, dabei war sowas in den 90ern doch sehr beliebt.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#38 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
#40 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
#42 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
#44 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
Richtig geil! Schade, dass die TRLE-Community zu sehr den Kopf in ihrem eigenen Hintern hat, um wirklich solche Demakes zu produzieren.
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#45 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
#48 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
#49 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
Zwar nicht direkt ein TR-Video, aber Lara spielt die Hauptrolle. Ob ihr Rucksack wohl die gleiche Technologie verwendet wie die Fortnite-Medipacks?
They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee
#50 RE: Die lustigsten Tomb Raider Bilder und Videos
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